Child Pornography

An accusation of possession or production and distribution of child pornography can ruin your reputation and have a serious impact on your life. Any sex crime that has to do with children is considered reprehensible by our society, and one of the many penalties for a child pornography charge is registration on the Minnesota predatory offender registry. This affects your ability to get a job, find a place to live and apply for school. In addition, you may be facing time in prison and hefty fines, up to five years for possession of child pornography with a fine of up to $5,000 and up to seven years in prison for distribution of child pornography with a fine of up to $10,000.

At Villaume & Schiek, our attorneys routinely fight to protect the rights of individuals charged with possession or distribution of child pornography. We consult with computer forensic experts to trace how the pictures may have gotten onto your computer, and who may have had access to your computer directly, or indirectly.

Your Child Pornography Defense Begins Even Before You Are Charged

Whenever possible, we begin our defense before you are even charged, working with the prosecution to get your case dismissed early, possibly even before filing. We do everything in our power to protect your reputation.

Because of the seriousness of any sex crime charge related to children, our lawyers get to work right away, uncovering any piece of evidence that is relevant to your case. While past performance is not a guarantee of future success, we frequently represent professionals accused of sex crimes and know how to keep potential damage to a minimum.

We understand the devastating effect any charge of child pornography can have on your reputation. We are well-known for our innovative approach to criminal defense as well as our vigorous reputation of your rights.

Convenient Location And Quality Representation

Our law office is conveniently located in Bloomington, right off Interstate 494 and across from the Mall of America and has ample free parking.

Please call our Twin Cities law firm at 952-641-7734, or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer.