Villaume & Schiek, P.A. Legal Blog

USERRA and Service Member Employment Law

In a democracy with a volunteer armed services, the goal is for citizen-soldiers to serve when needed, and then return to their civilian lives and careers. Employment law specific to service members helps protect this right to both serve and return to civilian life without penalty. USERRA is the acronym for Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Act. This federal law is designed…

How to Handle Supervised Visitation and Make a Good Impression

All divorces are messy. Even when both people quietly agree that the marriage is over, there are always still hurt feelings and entwined assets to separate. This process is made all the more difficult when there are children involved. In the vast majority of cases, one parent will be granted full custody while the other parent accepts some form of…

All About Complex Civil Litigation in Minnesota

Minnesota Complex Civil Litigation Attorneys – Villaume & Schiek, P.A. Unfortunately, when you own a business, you are going to have to deal with conflict and litigation at some point. Most of the time, these are simple cases that are easily solved. For these conflicts, any experienced lawyer will be able to help. There are a lot of times when…

Caught Driving After License Revocation in Minnesota?

If you have been convicted of a DWI in Minnesota, you may find yourself faced with several criminal punishments depending on the nature of your DWI and your past driving record. However, even in cases where the criminal DWI punishments are minor, your will also still have to deal with the administrative punishments as well. The most common administrative punishment…

Penalties for Driving After Cancellation in Minnesota

There are a myriad of reasons in which a driver’s license can be cancelled. Even if it happened only five minutes ago, if you get behind the wheel afterwards and find yourself pulled over, you are able to be charged with Driving after Cancellation. In Minnesota, Driving after Cancellation (DAC) is one of the more frequent traffic offenses that happen…

Consequences for Violating Your DWI Work Permit / Limited License in Minnesota

Minnesota takes all DWI incidents very seriously, and if convicted, you will need to face the consequences for it. However, the state also recognizes that the ability to drive is crucial for the livelihood of many who do not otherwise have reliable access to alternative transportation or mass transit systems. This is why a portion of those who receive DWIs…

Animal, Birds, Fish and Plants Crimes: When Not Knowing Isn’t Innocence

When it comes to laws regarding the plentiful animals, birds, fish, and plants found in and around Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes, they can be obscure, oddly specific, and for many who spend time outside, completely unknown. However, if enjoy spending time outdoors hunting, fishing, or even just wandering around, you need to be very careful of your actions. If caught by…