Lawmakers in Minnesota are proposing several bills that could greatly improve working conditions for employees in the state. These bills deal with wages, accommodations for health conditions, and other important matters that concern workers. If these bills are passed, employers can expect to be required to make some changes to comply with the new laws.
Proposed labor bills
One of the proposed labor bills would require that nearly all employees in the state be entitled to the current minimum wage of $10.85 per hour. The current minimum wage of $8.85 per hour would be eliminated for employees of small businesses, those under 18, and those working on a J visa in a hospitality position. Another bill would require employers to include information on the pay range, benefits, and compensation in job listings. This would benefit those searching for a new job and provide help in choosing a job that meets their financial needs.
Pregnant workers would benefit from the passing of a bill that would require employees to maintain health insurance for employees and their dependents during pregnancy-related leave. The ban on shadow noncompete agreements would open more opportunities during the job search, allowing workers to accept jobs in their field that would previously have been forbidden. These bills, if passed, could significantly improve working conditions for Minnesotans.
Legal advice
Minnesota workers may not always be aware of their rights when it comes to earning wages, staying safe in the workplace, and other important matters. Anyone who believes that their employer has acted unlawfully against them has the right to take legal action. An employment attorney can provide advice on how best to proceed forward with a case against one’s employer.