Family Law

5 Risks of Overspending After a Divorce

On the surface, divorce is about emotions and a separation of two lives. In practice, it’s mostly about money. The biggest challenge is separating your lives in a way that leaves both parties with a fair net worth and the ability to get by in their new independent life. Things like salaries, expenses, and joint property must be carefully balanced,…

Benefits of Minnesota Collaborative Divorce

As divorce is becoming more common, people are looking for better ways to find a way to end their marriage, especially if children are involved. Hammering out details in court doesn’t appeal to many. Instead of allowing you to move on, many people involved in messy divorces hold on to their anger and bitterness for months (and even years). There…

Seven Strategies to Help You Get the Custody Agreement You Want

Working through custody agreements can be stressful, but it is important to fight for what is best for your family when the opportunity arises. While custody agreements can be adjusted and revisited over time, it is easier to get this right from the beginning of shared agreements if at all possible. Whether you are seeking full or partial custody, having…

What Happens if You Default on Divorce in Minnesota?

Divorce is never an easy time. Some couples might find it a relief to know that the relationship is finally over and they can get started on moving on. However, others refuse to let love die. Yet once you are served with a divorce petition, you can’t just ignore it and hope that it will go away. If you ignore…

Considerations to Make Before Filing for Divorce

While the decision to divorce for some can come out of a moment of passion, for most couples it is something that builds up. However, divorce is not something that you want to jump into. Instead, divorce should be something that comes from careful planning even if it comes as a complete surprise to your spouse. If you are considering…

How to Handle Supervised Visitation and Make a Good Impression

All divorces are messy. Even when both people quietly agree that the marriage is over, there are always still hurt feelings and entwined assets to separate. This process is made all the more difficult when there are children involved. In the vast majority of cases, one parent will be granted full custody while the other parent accepts some form of…