Villaume & Schiek, P.A. Legal Blog

What Happens if You Default on Divorce in Minnesota?

Divorce is never an easy time. Some couples might find it a relief to know that the relationship is finally over and they can get started on moving on. However, others refuse to let love die. Yet once you are served with a divorce petition, you can’t just ignore it and hope that it will go away. If you ignore…

What to Do When You Think Your Breathalyzer Result Was Wrong

When it comes to driving while intoxicated, law enforcement officers rely heavily on the results of breathalyzer tests. However, these machines aren’t perfect. They are machines and can malfunction like any other device, especially since law enforcement often doesn’t calibrate them or perform maintenance as often as they should. Due to this, breathalyzer tests don’t carry as much weight towards…

Considerations to Make Before Filing for Divorce

While the decision to divorce for some can come out of a moment of passion, for most couples it is something that builds up. However, divorce is not something that you want to jump into. Instead, divorce should be something that comes from careful planning even if it comes as a complete surprise to your spouse. If you are considering…

Understanding Social Security Disability Benefits

If you’ve been injured or face a serious chronic illness, then you might find yourself unable to work or even struggling to keep a job. You do not want to consider yourself disabled, but you are reaching a point in which you must accept your limitations and your new reality. You have considered social security disability benefits, but are not sure…

Navigating The Social Security Disability Claim Process

Have you worked hard for several years or perhaps decades but are now dealing with an insurmountable disability? You likely have given a lot of thought to applying for Social Security Disability benefits, also referred to as SSDI. The fact is, if you paid into the fund, you should be able to reap the benefits. Unfortunately, another fact is that…

Tips to Negotiate Your Severance Package

Minnesota Employment Law Attorneys Losing your job can be devastating. Since most people live paycheck to paycheck, even missing a day or two can feel like a setback. Not knowing when you are going back to work can be a hard blow. Because of this, many companies offer a severance package. Usually, this includes money to compensate you for losing…

Recreational Vehicle DWI / DUI in Minnesota – Risks, Consequences, and Options

As winter descends upon Minnesota, many outdoor enthusiasts and adrenaline seekers will turn to snowmobiles, all terrain vehicles (ATVs), and other recreational vehicles for a bit of cold weather fun. While these activities generally take place off of the state’s roadways, the same DUI/DWI laws still apply. According to state law anyone operating a motorized vehicle with a blood-alcohol concentration…