Do You Need A Social Security Disability Lawyer In Minnesota?

On Behalf of | Apr 18, 2023 | SSDI

You may have heard someone say that getting an approval for disability benefits in Minnesota is hard. You may have also heard that many people have had their applications denied by the Social Security Administration(SSA), at least after the first application. When you view the statistics, those stats will show that the majority of first-time applications are denied. However, there is a high number of workers who are receiving benefits now because they sought reconsideration or they asked for a hearing.

If you are disabled, we do not want you to focus solely on all the stories you have heard about applying for Social Security Disability benefits and the chances of being denied. Instead, we would like for you to focus on the steps you should take to give your application a better chance of being approved. If your injury or disability qualifies for automatic disability, it is important to know what you can do so you can receive the benefits you need.

How Can A Disability Lawyer Help You?

One thing we want you to be aware of now is that the process can be a long one. Many workers are afraid of all the statistics and they seek the advice of a Minnesota Social Security Disability lawyer about the things they can do before submitting an application so their chances at success will be increased.

At Villaume & Schiek, we place a great amount of our focus on helping people apply for, request consideration, and appeal a denial. We will work aggressively on your behalf to ensure you receive the full benefits you feel you deserve and need. To begin the process, you will need to have medical proof and evidence of your injury or disability, and this should come from your treating healthcare provider.

To that end, you may have questions about what types of injuries and conditions will qualify for benefits. Some of the common disabilities are listed below:

  • Vision loss and/or hearing loss
  • Asthma and other respiratory illnesses
  • Joint and bone disorders
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Mental illness
  • Arthritis

If anyone does not suffer from one of the conditions above or the other conditions listed in the SSA blue book, it does not mean that a person will automatically be denied benefits. A person can qualify for SSDI benefits by meeting other criteria, including medical. If one has comprehensive medical support of a disability that results in limitations of your daily activity and prevents you from being effective in a workplace, that condition can result in the approval of benefits.

One of the main keys to being approved for social security disability benefits is to provide reliable proof of the disability and how the disability prevents you from being employed. When you have questions about what conditions may qualify for disability benefits, a Social Security Disability lawyer can help.

A Denial Does Not Mean The End

If you receive a notice of denial of Social Security Disability benefits, please do not think this is the end of the road for you. A denial does not mean the end. There are many steps you can take after you have been denied. Many workers have discovered that taking these steps will result in approval. Here are some things to keep in mind if you receive a denial letter:

  • If your case is placed under reconsideration, it will not be made by the same agent who denied your case. If you obtain strong evidence that could help your case, presenting that information will be essential. An agent who has not reviewed your case before will look over your application and supporting evidence, and this will mean you will need to present your evidence in a timely manner.
  • If you have been scheduled to appear at a hearing, you should not take this opportunity lightly. Do not exaggerate your condition, but do make it clear. Your disability lawyer will prepare you for the hearing so you will know what to expect once it is time. When your lawyer helps you prepare for the hearing, you will not feel caught off-guard and you should feel more at ease because you know what may be coming at you.
  • If you take the steps that are required to appeal the decision, it is important to remember the deadlines you were given. If your appeal is not completed before the deadline, you will have missed your opportunity. Your disability lawyer will make a note of the date and make sure you have everything submitted in time. After you submit your information ahead of the appeal deadline, you will be filled in on what could happen next.

Not every lawyer specializes in Social Security Disability benefits, and this is why it is important to consult with a lawyer who has the qualifications to help you with your initial application, reconsideration, and/or appeal. Before deciding on a lawyer to help you with your case, we encourage you to learn more about the lawyer’s level of experience in Social Security Disability.

As mentioned earlier, the process of receiving disability benefits can certainly be a long one. However, you will feel more at ease when you have someone on your side who will make things easier for you. If you do not want to take a chance of not being approved after your initial application, you can lean on a trusted and experienced law team to help with your case.

It does not matter if you need help with your initial application, requesting a reconsideration, filing an appeal, or requesting a hearing, Villaume & Schiek can help. If you need more information about Social Security Disability benefits, contact us today.

Villaume & Schiek is dedicated to you and we are here for you during this uncertain time. In light of the current pandemic, we want to ensure that you are still able to receive legal help when you need it. Although we may not be able to meet with you face-to-face, we are still here to help you preserve your rights.

Disclaimer: The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individualsituation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.