As divorce is becoming more common, people are looking for better ways to find a way to end their marriage, especially if children are involved. Hammering out details in court doesn’t appeal to many. Instead of allowing you to move on, many people involved in messy divorces hold on to their anger and bitterness for months (and even years). There is a new solution and it is called a collaborative divorce.
So, what does that mean? Basically, it means that both parties don’t want to fight in court. Instead, they are determined to work with their lawyers in order to come up with a divorce settlement that suits everyone. Cooperative techniques are used, instead of strategizing and ending up in litigation.
Why would anyone want to go through a collaborative divorce? Here are some benefits.
Collaborative divorces cost less. Though lawyers are still necessary for this type of divorce, you will be able to save money because it will take less of your lawyer’s time. They won’t have to spend hours preparing for a trial and even days in a courtroom. Instead, after a few sessions all together, you should be able to come up with a good settlement.
Collaborative divorces get dissolved in less time. Divorces that get hashed out in the courtroom can take years, especially if both parties want the same things. However, the average time that it takes for a collaborative divorce is around eighteen weeks. It just takes a little time to come up with an arrangement that works and then the paperwork will be handled.
It is better for the children. Unfortunately, children are usually hurt the worst in a divorce. They lose their whole happy life. This sometimes includes their home and two parents to support them. By going through a collaborative divorce, you and your ex will learn to communicate better and have less anger toward each other, allowing you to get along for the sake of your children.
Divorces that are collaborative are much less stressful. When people think of divorce and going to court, they often start to panic. However, by taking the courtroom out of it, both parties can be a little more relaxed while they discuss the terms of their agreement.
It also teaches both parties how to work together to solve a problem. This is essential for everyone to heal and move on. They need to come together and be able to discuss their thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs in order to come up with an agreement that works for them. They will also need to listen quietly before giving feedback. Though this is most important if there are children involved, it is helpful to have a clean break in case you run into each other in the future.
They can also be customized. Most lawyers have an idea about how a divorce settlement is going to work out. They are prepared to talk about child custody and support, while also discussing spousal support. However, when both parties want each other to be supported and taken care of, there is no reason why they can’t do things anyway that they want to!
Collaborative divorces are a great way to allow both parties to meet, discuss their feelings, and find a common ground. However, it must be known that if both parties are not on board, it will never work. Everyone has to be dedicated to cooperating and talking through problems in order to come up with a good solution.
Contact us for all of your legal needs. We are dedicated to helping you through this difficult time and will do everything that we can to keep your divorce as stress-free as possible.
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