Minnesota Lawyers Fighting Sexting And Bullying
Bullying, whether in school or the workplace, has the power to emotionally and physically damage both students and adults. Intimidation and harassment have taken new levels in recent years with the increased usage of social media and online communities. Sexting has compounded the problem as more and more students, teenagers and adults send and post inappropriate pictures online and to other individuals.
If you or your student has been harmed by bullying or sexting, there are legal measures that can be taken. In addition to criminal charges that can be filed, civil litigation offers a means to achieve justice in the situation.
At Villaume & Schiek, of Bloomington, we are committed to advocating for students, employees and adults who have been bullied or electronically harassed. Our lawyers will carefully evaluate the situation and build a case against the responsible parties, knowledgeably working to achieve compensation for the emotional or physical harm endured.
To arrange a free initial consultation to discuss the manner in which you or your child has been bullied or harassed via sexting, please contact our Minnesota sexting and bullying attorneys today at 952-641-7734.
A Victim Of A Cyberbully Or Sexting? Talk To Us.
Bullying involves an intentional affliction of emotional distress. This can be through verbal or physical contact. It now also commonly involves harassing social media posts and messages. We will closely investigate the situation to determine where the fault lies, including evaluating if the school, parent or employer should have more closely supervised the situation, providing remedial action when needed. This can include both during and following school hours and at extracurricular events.
Sexting can also cause significant long-term emotional harm. These scenarios are framed by someone sending an inappropriate picture of the individual. If that individual is under the age of 17, the image is considered child pornography, which could be charged as a state and federal felony offense. If the image is posted online or to Facebook, increasing the distribution, the charges are immediately accelerated.
More Sexting Examples
Other examples can include adults leaving a camera hidden in the restroom or locker room, adults sending inappropriate pictures of themselves to children or teenagers sending pictures to each other, regardless of whether it is between two underage children. Other instances can include employees sending co-workers unwanted inappropriate or explicit pictures or material.
A growing area of concern involves people bringing cameras or cellphones into restrooms or locker rooms and taking illegal photographs of other individuals.
We Help Victims Of Sexting Or Cyberbullying; Call Us
The experienced attorneys at Villaume & Schiek, can help you legally defend against cyberbullying and help protect your rights. To schedule your free initial consultation, call us: 952-641-7734 or complete the online form.