Dog Bites Attorneys In Minneapolis

A dog bite can cause severe injuries. Sadly, many victims of such attacks are children. Young or old, a dog bite victim may have to face life with lasting scars and psychological trauma.

If you or a family member has suffered serious injuries as a result of a dog attack, you have the right to claim compensation for your medical costs, pain and suffering, and other losses. To protect your ability to obtain compensation, you should speak with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

Dog Bite You? Let Our More Than 30 Years Of Experience Work For You.

At Villaume & Schiek, in Bloomington, Minnesota, we have been representing clients in civil litigation for more than 30 years. Having won numerous personal injury cases, we have the legal knowledge, investigative resources and advocacy skills needed to prevail in dog bite cases.

Dog owners in Minnesota are under strict liability. This can reduce some of the obstacles when it comes to getting compensation for a dog bite attack. However, each case is unique and there may be complex issues of fact and law that could affect your ability to obtain compensation.

When Villaume & Schiek, represents you, we will undertake a comprehensive investigation of all aspects of your case. Our attorneys will determine how the incident happened, examine insurance coverage issues and take all necessary steps needed to build your case. Obtaining the financial resources needed to pay for medical care, reparative surgery, scar revision procedures and psychological counseling will be one of our priorities. Working with your doctor or other medical specialists, we will determine your current and future medical needs for inclusion in your claim. We will also calculate the full value of your economic and noneconomic losses and seek fair compensation in settlement negotiations or at trial.

For a free consultation with a dog bite lawyer serving Minneapolis and the entire state of Minnesota, contact our team at Villaume & Schiek