Teachers strive to create an inclusive environment for their students. Still, the reality is that they can still face microaggressions from colleagues. These actions can foster a toxic atmosphere, affecting their well-being and ability to do their job.
Microaggressions are harmful to the whole school
Microaggressions are subtle, usually unintentional comments or actions that discriminate against marginalized groups. Examples can include:
- Racial microaggressions: Comments like “You speak English so well!” to a colleague of color can mean stereotyping or belittling someone based on their race.
- Gender microaggressions: Remarks that reinforce gender stereotypes or undermine someone’s abilities based on gender. An example is assuming a female teacher is less capable of handling discipline issues.
- Cultural microaggressions: Comments that make fun of or dismiss someone’s cultural practices. For example, mocking a colleague’s accent or traditional clothing.
These behaviors might seem harmless, but they can create a hostile environment, which is against the law. This is regardless of whether they happen in the staff room, teacher’s lounge or anywhere else in your workplace. The good news is that there are laws, such as the Minnesota Human Rights Act, that protect you from discrimination and harassment.
Take action immediately
Co-teachers can first address the issue directly. When doing so, make sure to express how such behaviors affect you. It is also ideal to inform the school administration or HR department about the incidents.
If the school fails to address the issue and the microaggressions persist, it may be time to take legal action. A dedicated employment law attorney can advocate for you in negotiations and court proceedings. This way, you can ensure a healthier and more respectful workplace overall.