What damages and remedies can workplace harassment victims claim?

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2024 | Employment Law

Workplace harassment is a concerning issue that affects employees throughout the country. The emotional toll of harassment can be demoralizing and devastating, and this may lead to anxiety, depression or physical health problems.

If you are an employee in Minnesota, are you aware of your rights and options if you have suffered from workplace harassment? Also, what do you need to know about the damages and remedies available to you, and how can you pursue them?

Compensatory damages

Compensatory damages aim to help victims recoup their out-of-pocket expenses and lost wages and compensate for their emotional distress. These damages may help victims recover from the financial and emotional impacts of harassment.

Punitive damages

Meanwhile, the court may award punitive damages to punish employers for their extremely glaring behavior. These damages can be a deterrent to employers who fail to take workplace harassment seriously.

Injunctive relief and attorney’s fees

In addition, victims may seek injunctive relief, which requires employers to take specific actions to prevent harassment. Victims may also be awarded attorney’s fees, which can help offset the cost of pursuing a claim.

Pursuing damages and remedies

To pursue damages and remedies, victims should document all incidents of harassment, including dates, times and locations. Additionally, victims may seek witness statements to support their claim.

Taking a stand against harassment

Workplace harassment affects not just employees but also the fabric of society. By understanding this serious employment issue, you can take a crucial step toward reclaiming your dignity and seeking justice.

However, the legal landscape can be daunting. By seeking an advocate, you may better navigate the process and make informed decisions about your case. Further, doing so can empower you to take a stand against harassment and help create a more respectful and safer work environment.