Prostitution is a serious offense that occurs often than many people think in Minnesota. As a result of the frequent prostitution offenses that are committed, law enforcement officials regularly conduct prostitution stings to catch people who are selling sex or sexual favors in exchange for money. The prostitution stings are also used to catch the individuals who are responsible for arranging the services and those who are paying for sexual services.
Sometimes the arrests that are made are made for legitimate reasons. However, there are also times when the person who has been arrested was simply caught being in the wrong area at the wrong time. There are many individuals who find themselves in trouble after only having a small conversation with the undercover officer who portrayed an individual wanting to pay for sexual services.
Many individuals have been arrested before they engaged in any form of sexual services and before money was exchanged. Many individuals have also been arrested for offering a sum of money for an act that falls out of the limits of the prostitution statute.
Regardless of why the arrest was made and how legitimate the reason was, it is highly important that you make sure you have the proper representation. You will need a defense lawyer who has the experience and the skills to represent you in a prostitution case. You have a long list of rights, and it is important that you do everything to make sure your rights are protected at all times. You can make sure your rights are protected by calling an experienced defense lawyer who is familiar with the prostitution laws in the state and city.
There are various sexual activities and other activities that fall within the domain of prostitution. What are these activities?
- Receiving money in exchange for performing sexual services
- Having the intent to perform sexual services by lingering in public areas
- Asking an individual for sexual services by offering money
- Receiving money that another individual has obtained for the sexual services
- Performing sexual services for money in a park
- Performing sexual services for money in a school zone
- Using an individual for prostitution
If someone is convicted of one or more of the acts above, the penalties that one will face will be very serious. If one is convicted of a prostitution-related crime, there are things that can be done in order to avoid facing the highest fines, punishments, and penalties. Sometimes the case can be completely dismissed or the punishment can be reduced. There are also times when an individual can be acquitted.
Many prostitution offenses can be classified as misdemeanors, but this should not be something that you should just brush away. A misdemeanor can make it difficult for you to find a decent place to live or a job. If someone performs a background check on your record, the offense you committed will be immediately seen. A prostitution conviction can impact your life in a variety of ways. This is why it is so important that you call an attorney as soon as possible.
Prostitution offenses occur often. Prostitution-related charges can be filed against someone who sells sexual services, advertises or markets those services, and a person who pays money for those services. If you are accused of a prostitution offense, we want you to secure the proper representation.
If you want more information about the options that are available to you, please do not hesitate to contact Villaume & Schiek today to request a consultation or call our Twin Cities law firm at 952-641-7734. We will be happy to discuss your options and your case.
Disclaimer: The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individualsituation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.